I did a blog that jumped on the Catholic Church. I believe that the church should stay out of politics. Mainly because I am a woman. I believe that women should be able to determine what is best for them. I am afraid that if religion plays a part in our government, a lot of women and girls could be in serious trouble.
The whole debate over birth control has got me thinking. My mother-in-law thinks that we shouldn't have to pay for it, that we need more morals and less birth control. I agree with the morals, not the less birth control. This is always a slippery slope when you have two opposing opinions in the same house. She was raised as a Catholic, and she also was born in a era that didn't have what we have now. I was a teenage mother, my mother and father didn't talk about sex or birth control with me until it was too late.
My neighbor and my husband chimed in on this subject. My husband is in the middle, my neighbors opinion bordered on a civil rights removal. With so many different opinions out there on the matter, who is right? How do you make the majority happy without offending the minority?
I personally would tell every kid in America, Wait. Wait until you are married. Be a responsible adult before you become a parent. To girls, have respect for yourself. Your life is in your hands, think about the consequences before you give yourself away. Wait until you are old enough to except what happens. Fall in love first, and I don't mean at 18, I mean after you are out of school and doing what makes you happy first. To the boys, same thing. Fall in love, make life for yourself before you commit to someone else. Believe in yourself.
Now for those who wont wait, don't be stupid about it. Protect yourself and the one your with. Show at least that much respect for yourself and them. There is so much out there, you can never be sure. Talk to your parents, if you cant, call your local clinic. Get informed. The best prevention is abstinence, if that isn't enough, the second best prevention is being informed.
To the parents of kids today, talk to your kids. Listen to your kids. Be involved in what they are doing, know where they are going. Find out who they are and what their dreams are, and help them reach their goals. Tell them no every now and then. Tell them your hopes and dreams for them, even if its not the same as their dreams. Take pride in you kids. No matter who they turn out to be.
If you talk to your kids about consequences, don't throw your beliefs in there, give them the facts. You have raised them with your beliefs. If you push, it could backfire. Get on the internet, get news articles, show them what could happen. Kids are a lot smarter then most people give the credit for. Inform them, but don't just show one side, show them all. This way, no matter what they decide to do, you have armed them with knowledge. That is the greatest gift you can give your kids.
To the politicians out there, have the courtesy to put the greater good before your beliefs or you political agenda. You are putting lives at risk. All the time we spend fighting about this, a girl or a woman is dealing with the dilemma of having a baby, or getting rid of a baby. If you let the church decide what is considered in women's health care, you risk more than the vote of some, you risk the lives of many.
Just a note before I go. I do believe in God. God and I have an understanding, I talk, he listens, he understands. Never in the whole time I have spent talking to him, he has never told me what I can or cannot do. He leaves that up to me. Take the time to consider all the possibilities.
Everyone has a right to their opinion. This is just mine. Thanks for taking the time to read it.